ACP new series CSF14.HP potentiometers
In a rapidly growing and increasingly digital electronic market, arises the need of high precision and high reliability potentiometers, such as those offered by ACP-Aragonesa de Componentes Pasivos, partner of Welt Electronic for the distribution of passive components such as potentiometers, trimmers and sensors.
Potentiometers are components mainly used in electronic installations to regulate the voltage at specific points of the device.
The latest news of ACP is the “Pluggable Potentiometers CSF14.HP” series.
These potentiometers are specifically designed to be fixed directly to a RAST 2,5 card edge connector series through M4 screws or clamps. The output signal from the potentiometer occurs just using a connector, so as to guarantee savings on welding costs and to avoid the need of a PCB for connection on board.
This series is available with endless-turn in standard configuration and can also incorporate mechanical end stops on request.
The “Pluggable Potentiometers CSF14.HP” series is perfect for home appliance applications.