Partnership with University
A synergy between the academic world and businesses for the creation of innovative lamps and other design items, dedicated to the world of lighting.
To create a synergy between the academic world and businesses, by including researchers and professionals in Universities and companies, to encourage the development of innovative technologies related to the world of lighting.
This is the aim of the “Brain Light” project, conceived and promoted by Welt Electronic Spa, a leading company in the production of electronic components, in collaboration with the Design Campus, Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, which through Help Lab (High Evolution Lighting Project-joint university laboratory), enables graduates and researchers to learn directly “on site” the latest frontiers of lighting technology and to create a series of innovative design items, born from the creative imagination of young people. An experience that enables youthful creativity to make direct contact with the expressiveness of light allowing it to be transported by the pathos that design triggers in the spectacularity of the phenomenon.
Through a dialogue between the designer and the company, the young people will develop Concepts that are particularly focused on the performances of the type of lighting to be produced and the latest innovation in the sector. The Company’s technicians will provide the necessary know-how for the practical realization of the projects. The best will be selected by a jury of experts in the sector to assess the degree of innovation both from the visual and emotional point of view of the objects and the ability to overcome conventional morphologies.
Evaluation of the prototypes will also take into consideration the possibility of subsequent development of the projects, with their actual realization and marketing. By endorsing the initiative the companies taking part in the Brain Light project will have the possibility of requesting the Help Lab to develop a further concept of their property, of accessing Help Lab know-how in the field of photo–luminescence, of technological updating on LED devices and will be entitled to editorial space in trade journals.