Led module and led strip

LED strips are rapidly gaining a significant market share and have emerged as a strong alternative to traditional linear lighting. These strips are remarkably versatile, straightforward to install, and suitable for a wide array of both indoor and outdoor applications.

They do more than just illuminate a space; they create unique, personalised atmospheres that are dynamic and have a three-dimensional feel. Depending on the specific requirements of a project, LED strips can be fully tailored in terms of thickness, length, and the type of LEDs used.






Home appliance



LED modules are composed of a series of LEDs assembled together, utilising surface-mount technology to fix LED chips onto printed circuit boards. Much like the LED strips, these modules are entirely customisable and appropriate for use in both indoor and outdoor settings.

Among the key benefits of LED modules are their reduced energy consumption, compact design, and extended lifespan.

Welt Electronic supplies efficient, reliable, and durable LED modules and strips. Each is assembled with great precision and care to meet the unique needs of every customer. They offer an ideal solution for evenly and functionally illuminating spaces with LED technology.


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