Tudora Supporters
“If the sea can improve the life of an individual the moment he approaches and develops a passion for it, then the sea can improve an entire community”.
In 2012 the “Claudiu Tudora Supporters” originated out of the desire to find a way to continue to cultivate a love of the sea through the passion for sailing, intended not only as a pastime, but as a privileged moment of reflection, teaching and maturation of thought and communal spirit.
Claudiu arrived in Italy with his mother 10 years ago in search of a brighter future but met with various difficulties not only economical but also of integration. His mother in her various jobs continuously cultivated the hope of creating a “normal” life but the many delusions, the many sacrifices and the precocious growth of her son failed to improve the situation.
His love of the sea drove Claudiu to frequent the Sailing Club. But his passion and great determination were not enough for him to enrol at school and live like all other boys of his age.
Welt Electronic, who created the initiative, succeeded in raising awareness and involving important companies and private entities who gave daily and concrete contributions to make Claudiu’s dream come true.
This activity enabled Claudiu to join the Antignano (LI) Sailing Club, to receive alternative, nonconformist, teaching, and to keep him away from risky situations (alcohol and drugs) typical of adolescence and to become a boy who cultivates his passion for the sea through sport, as a lifestyle guru.
Today Claudiu studies and has a “chair” to teach the very same principles to other young boys at the Antignano Sailing Club and the Nautical Institute of Livorno.
“The richness of my heart is infinite, like the sea. I am amazed and grateful to the people who, both economically and humanly, have made my path towards growth and maturation possible which otherwise would never have come about. To each and everyone go my heartfelt thanks.”
All the activities are undertaken in full transparency with traceable results that can be monitored.
“Claudiu Tudora Supporters” has the support of:
• Altamira Software
• BV Impianti S.r.l.
• Dinoservice
• Genialex – Solutiosn for Commercial and Industrial Furnishing
• GNES rental service
• Gruppo Assicurazioni Generali
• Silva SpA
• Quartapagina
• WeltElectronic S.p.A
The Antignano Sailing Club is a national centre of excellence for the two-person 420 dinghy class. The competitive team of 9 crews, 18 boys, is led by Enrico Maltinti, known as “Chico2, 4th level European instructor for the Italian Federation of Sailing, has operated in the dinghy sector since 1986. Maltinti boasts an enviable prize record, having selected and accompanied “his own crews” in 38 World and European championships in the Laser radial, 470, 420, Yngling, Vaurien and J24 classes and having with them achieved important medals.
All the crews involved in a periodical training programme participate in the National Championship and subsequently, if classified, in European and World championships. Last year the Club boasted two participations in the World Championship and one in the European Championship.