Welt Electronic is proud to rank at position 241 in the Top 500 Florence 2022 ranking.
The ranking, drawn up through research conducted by PwC together with the University of Florence, was created through an analysis based on the sales revenues of the companies in Florence active on 31st December 2019 and also taking into consideration other relevant factors, such as the net financial position and shareholders’ equity.
In particular, it represents a photograph of the state of health of the major entrepreneurial realities of the area, with a perspective view on economic trends and future challenges.
Although the pandemic situation of the last two years has led to the suspension of many of the area’s economic activities, Welt Electronic has proved to be constant in continuing its objectives even in this particular period, reaching a significant milestone.
Pietro Dho, Director and CEO of Welt Electronic: “The pandemic was a great challenge, but all the Welt Electronic team has been constantly committed to always guaranteeing a service based on maximum customer satisfaction with passion and professionalism. For this reason, we are truly proud and satisfied with this important result achieved. “