Welt Electronic supports the Careggi Florence Hospital
In the midst of Covid-19 emergency, the goals of Welt Electronic are to protect its employees in Italy and supporting the supply chain and the civil society as well.
Welt Electronic, Italian company pioneer in distribution of electronic and lighting components, confirms today all the measures taken to deal with the Covid-19 emergency to protect its employees. In the commercial and distribution reality of Welt Electronic in Florence, important activities have been implemented since the beginning of March to optimize the safety measures.
With this direct involvement of the Covid-19 emergency the Company has coordinated in these days a large donation in support of the Covid department of Careggi Florence University Hospital, contributing to the purchase of a ventilator.
Riccardo Rabatti, President of Welt Electronic: “I’m very satisfied for the help we have been able to give to Florence Careggi University Hospital. I would like to give a special thanks to all people who have made a donation, because regardless of how much a person can give, the drops can make the sea.”
The Management of Careggi Hospital thanks the generosity and the commitment of many benefactors. “In addition of the extreme usefulness of these resources – Rocco Damone, General Manager of Careggi Hospital declares – the gesture of donation concretely testified the esteem of many people towards the Hospital and the Tuscan Healthcare. We would like to thank you for these precious gestures that renew in all the operators the commitment of best take care towards all the citizens.”